
Our guiding idea is to value wood as a natural resource. Barths Hamburg is a synonym for competence and sustainability, all over the world. Our product is long-lasting, personalised, and simply irreplaceable in many areas. Be it in the furniture or the construction industry, our premium quality, manifold and sustainable products can be used in various ways.

As a commercial enterprise rich in tradition, we are aware of our responsibility for thoughtful and far-seeing exploitation of the woods in order to preserve this unique resource for the future, too. In line with our company philosophy, we deal exclusively in timber derived from responsible and transparent production. All our products come from sustainably exploited forest or are marked with the FSC logo which ensures high certification standards. Furthermore, we are working with countries having already signed the FLEGT Agreement.

BARTHS Hamburg will be happy to be your reliable partner, too. After all, commerce in wood implies responsibilities!