Angongui is a homogenous wood with a grey-pink tint. This wood is also known as Onzabili and has a coarse and felt-like structure.


Botanical name: Antrocaryon klaineanum
Overall character: This simple and soft wood has good strength properties. However, it is not resistant to weather or insects.
Color and structure: The heartwood and sapwood are only vaguely separated from each other. Both have a greyish-pink to bright red color.
Characteristics/features: Angongui is easily processable using tools of all kinds. It has proven itself to be a very elastic peeled veneer, and plywood panels made of this material have great staying power.
Areas of use: Being a peeled veneer similar to Okoume, Angongui is not a particularly decorative, plain wood. Therefore, the areas of use are found where a moderately strained construction wood is needed for interior use.