The Koompassia genus encompasses 3 kinds of wood: K. excelsa, K. grandifl ora and K. malaccensis. Only the latter is commonly used and of economical relevance, however.
Botanical name: | Koompassia malaccensis |
Overall character: | Evenly colored and strikingly structured wood with a coarse texture and glossy striping on its radial surface. |
Color and structure: | Fresh heartwood is brick red, then develops a dark orange or reddish brown color. Easily distinguishable from the narrow, yellow-white to straw coloured sapwood. |
Characteristics/features: | In temperate climates, this timber is durable and also suitable for outdoor use. |
Areas of use: | Kempas is a versatile wood for interior construction. It has great qualities (without enclosed cortical tissue) and is are processed into terrace boards, parquet, as well as floors for industrial plants. Rarely, it is used for decorative sliced veneers. |
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