Okan wood comes from a tree species from the evergreen humid forests of West Africa. It grows everywhere from Sierra Leone Cameroon and Gabon. Okan trees reach a height of up to 60 meters and a trunk diameter of up to 200 cm. In Ghana, their wood is also known as Denya.


Botanical name: Cylicodiscus gabunensis
Overall character: This wood has a simple and modest look. Its color and structure are usually homogenous, with a medium texture and particularly high density. The alternating spiral growth causes a glossy appearance.
Color and structure: The heartwood has a yellow to golden-brown color with an often green tint while fresh, that darkens to a copper/auburn color. The splint has a light reddish grey color.
Characteristics/features: This wood is very resistant to fungus and insect infestations. It is fit for long term outdoor use without additional care. It is sometimes also recommended for salt water use.
Areas of use: Used as an outdoor construction wood in areas that are mechanically and biologically challenged, but do not require special dimensional stability. E.g. bridges, sleepers, floating docks, bedding, ramps and hydraulic engineering.
Sources: https://www.holzvomfach.de