Yellow Poplar originates from Eastern North America. Its wood is neither durable nor rigid, and mostly used for face veneers or as a base for veneers.


Botanical name: Liriodendron tulipifera
Overall character: This sapwood is very soft and light. The core has a greenish hue and tends to be harder. The green tint of the core timber changes when exposed to light and becomes a nice shade of brown.
Color and structure: The splint is very soft and bright. The heartwood is greenish and harder. The green color of the heartwood changes due to light contact and develops a pleasant shade of brown.
Characteristics/features: Yellow Poplar is easy to plane. It sometimes can get ligneous in some places. However, this generally only happens in sapwood. The wood dulls the tools only slowly. It is easy to stem and saw.
Areas of use: On the market, this wood is usually found in the form of edged boards.